4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Kaplan® IT Training Practice Exams

Kaplan® IT Training practice exams are a great complement to CBT Nuggets online IT training videos, and they're now available to every CBT Nuggets subscriber.
Practice exams help reinforce concepts, as well as provide a good measure of exam readiness.
Here are four ways to get the most out of Kaplan® IT Training practice exams.
1. Use the Exam Objectives to Plan Your Training
Kaplan® IT Training practice exams test your knowledge of concepts that will be on actual IT certification exams, so the first thing you should do is review the practice exam objectives in Kaplan® IT Training.
Think of the exam objectives as a syllabus, or even better: the exact outline of the test. You should think of them this way because that's what they are.
For example, take a look at the exam objectives for the Network+ N10-006 exam published by CompTIA. Now take a look at Kaplan® IT Training's Network+ N10-006 practice test objectives:
Network architecture
Network operations
Network security
Industry standards, practices, and network theory
Notice that they're the same.
Use these exam objectives to better organize your training schedule.
Train on one objective at a time, and then test your knowledge with a practice exam. This will help you to group similar concepts together, making your training more efficient and focused.
2. Take A Few Full-Length Timed Practice Exams
Once you feel comfortable with the exam material, start taking Kaplan® IT Training's full-length, timed practice exams: emphasis on timed. The time constraint will provide useful pressure to help you prepare for exam day.
You can't pass an exam you don't complete.
Taking a preset exam helps you determine how well you know the material, and also provides a chance to practice your exam pacing and rhythm.
3. Grade an Item and Get the Answer
When taking an optimized exam experience test, after each question, you can click on the Grade Item button in the top righthand corner. This allows you to see the correct answer to the question and an explanation as to why each answer was either wrong or right.
Most questions also include a section that highlights specific topics that you should know for the associated exam. This helps you to really drill down on the information and topics that are pertinent for the certification exam.
While training, reviewing graded items are a great way to validate your knowledge and reinforce concepts.
4. Treat The Practice Exam Like a Big Deck of Flashcards Repetition is a highly effective learning strategy. The more you practice or repeat a certain task, the higher the probability that you will commit it to memory. Flashcards are one of the simplest and most effective repetition tools when trying to learn a concept.
Think of a Kaplan® IT Training practice exam as one big deck of flashcards. Go through each test question as you would a flashcard: reading the question, selecting an answer, and either validating that you answered the question correctly or learning the correct answer.
The repetition of answering these questions over and over (and over) again will really help to commit the concepts to memory.
If you are serious about training for and passing IT certification exams, using Kaplan® IT Training practice exams as a supplement is highly recommended. With Kaplan® IT Training, you can reinforce the concepts you are required to master, learn to pace yourself for the actual timed test, and more.
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