Career / Career Progression

10 Time-Wasting Activities to Replace with Training

by Team Nuggets
10 Time-Wasting Activities to Replace with Training picture: A
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Published on May 4, 2015

Wasting time is as old as well, time itself. As long as people have had productive tasks that need doing, they have found ways to avoid them. In celebration of your commitment to convert those wasted minutes to useful, career-boosting training time. Here's our list of ten mostly-useless things you could easily replace with ten minutes of Nuggets.

1) Very important internet news

2) We'll just call this "non-essential research".

3) Listening to a co-worker's extended stories.

4) Or sitting around the water-cooler telling your own.

5) Obsessively checking your phone for new alerts and texts.

6) Angsting over the fate of your fantasy sports teams.

7) Video games.

8) Binge watching your favorite TV.

9) Flame Wars on the Internet, no one changes their mind.

10) Waiting in line you could always use our mobile, or offline training at the DMV.

There are lots of things you can do that get you nowhere, why not dedicate just ten minutes to getting somewhere good? But don't just take it from us.

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